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Inside Phil's Bunker
About Me
I'm a retired Software Developer who enjoys designing and building in wood. The natural textures and colors excite me. I am passionate about creating beautiful objects with wood.
So, why do I call this site "Phil's Bunker"? No, I'm not a survivalist or a tinfoil-hat-black-helicopters-are-coming nut job. Read on to find out.
In late 2012 I bought my current house. It had a 5 car garage made completely of poured concrete that was built in 1913. The walls and ceiling are a full foot thick concrete and there is a lot of rebar in it. Needless to say, it's sturdy. Each car bay had a sliding wooden door that was a full 2 inches thick with about half the windows were broken out. Very heavy and only 2 could be open at a time. Worse yet, there were 10 purple glass skylights in the concrete ceiling. Think of the purple glass you see embedded in city sidewalks to get an idea. Pretty cool but, unfortunately, they leaked in the rain and prior owners had done a poor job of trying to fix it. The interior walls were covered with black slime and my wife said "perfect place for a murder". I have to admit being a little nervous upon hearing that. Almost from day 1 we began calling it the bunker!
But through the modern miracle of money we got it weather tight, wired with lots of electrical outlets, vertical garage doors and plenty of lighting. I'll spare you the rehabilitation saga but I now have a nice shop for my wood working addiction and "the bunker" has stuck.
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