Inside Phil's Bunker
Custom Box Joints
using the Incra LS System
P. L. Barrett
Copyright © 2016 P. L. Barrett
All rights reserved
This tutorial will show you how to create custom box joints using the Incra LS positioner system. pyRouterJig is a powerful software application that allows you to create custom templates that are compatible with the Incra LS positioner. These templates will also work with older versions of Incra positioners and the JoinTech IPM.
Shop Safety
A router, table saw, Incra LS Positioner and other shop tools can be dangerous. You need to be familiar with those machines and tools, practicing safe operations at all times. The authors of this document are not responsible for any injury, death, or financial loss that could conceivably be caused by using the information and suggestions in this tutorial. In short, use your brain and be safe.
Goals of this tutorial
In this document we will show you how to use pyRouterJig to make a custom template for the Incra LS Positioner system. To do that we will take you through making a simple box using box joints where all the fingers are of uniform size after cutting off the lid of the box. This means we need to compensate for the saw kerf width.
What is a Template?
In this context, a template is used to guide the positioning of a router fence to allow a cut to be made with a router in a set of specific locations. Box Joints and Dovetail Joints are easily created using these templates.