Inside Phil's Bunker
Installing and using pyRouterJig
PyRouterJig was written by Robert B Lowrie. He has generously made this available for free. Go to the ( to download the software and follow the instructions on the “Installation” page for your specific computer type. Once it is installed, run the application and you will see the following screen.

The default template is for a centered, equally spaced box joint with a 7 ½” x 3/4” board, using a ½” straight router bit.
Hardware parameters are in the lower left. You can select a board width, bit depth (board thickness for box joints) and bit width. To make a dovetail template, you specify the bit angle which should match your dovetail bit. Template parameters are in the lower right. There are 3 tabs: fixed, variable and edit.
For more details on the various options and controls, see the