Inside Phil's Bunker
Cutting the cauls
Once you have printed and stabilized template, you are rady to cut the cauls. It's actually pretty easy and much faster than cutting box joints. Start with a block of 1” thick hardwood. It should be about 1 1/2” longer than the template and 3 ½” wide. The added length makes it easier to work with the cauls when gluing up a box. For the template shown above, the measurements are 6 1/8” x 3 ½” x 1”. You will need 2 of those blanks.
Alignment is different for the cauls. Insert the caul template into the LS positioner. Start out the same way you align for the other template (See the ). Then, move the template approximately 3/4” to the left. The actual measurement isn’t critical. Use the same router bit as your box joint and set the depth of cut to 1/8”.
Cut the A fingers and then slice the cauls to 3/4” wide on a table saw. You should now have 4 cauls for the A cuts. Repeat this for the B cauls. To aid cutting the fingers, clamp a backing board to the right angle fixture and then use a push pad (or a Grripper) to keep the block against the fence and backer board. Label the ends of your cauls as A or B. This will aid you when clamping up.